We are working on putting together an exciting lineup for PRWeek's Crisis Communications 2024.
This must-attend event provides a valuable opportunity to discuss how brands are tackling the new wave of social unrest and activism which continues to grow.
Be sure to check in for any new updates you might have missed!
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This must-attend event provides a valuable opportunity to discuss how brands are tackling the new wave of social unrest and growing social activism.
Our agenda is tailored to meet your needs and learn from the experts who have weathered crises.
08:45 - 09:45
Registration and Refreshments
09:45 - 09:55
Welcome from PRWeek and Chair’s Opening Remarks
09:55 - 10:35
PANEL DISCUSSION: How many are too many cooks in the kitchen? - Effectively managing your C-suite and showing leadership during a crisis.
When there are too many cooks in the kitchen it spoils the dish.
Similarly, it is almost impossible to effectively manage a crisis when too many people are involved in the response; you will be too busy trying to manage people rather than the crisis itself. When everyone senior thinks they can run your crisis response, this can be your brand's undoing and will likely lead to the opposite effect of that desired.
In light of this, this session will discuss:
- How to take responsibility when multiple C-suite stakeholders are involved
- How to manage internal stakeholders perspectives and which opinions to prioritise while a crisis is ongoing
- How to earn the trust from C-suite to make the hard decisions
- Learning how to say no to seniors and trust in your response
Moderator: PRWeek Editorial team
10:35 - 10:55
Keynote: Building a Headline Risk Management Framework
For companies covered by the press, the news and news media are catalysts capable of triggering significant shifts in consumer brand perceptions, material erosion in sales, earnings and market value. But these shocks cannot be managed using PR metrics based on outdated assumptions about media reach and influence.
Instead, companies should build a Headline Risk Management framework based on consumer-centric data, which can differentiate between a ‘PR flap’ and a genuine crisis, generating actionable insights to defend brand equity and enterprise value.
In this session, we will outline baseline approaches to monitor, measure, manage and – when appropriate – mitigate crises and shocks using this approach.
Capabilities you can take back to your company, cause or campaign:
- Manage: conduct a credible audit of existing crisis monitoring tools
- Measure: quantify thresholds for proactively responding to emerging risks
- Monitor: validate the consumer narratives that shift the brand needle in real-time
- Mitigate: deliver predictive tools for tracking the life cycle of a shock
11:10 - 11:40
CASE STUDY: Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea – Lessons from Grenfell
The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea’s Director of Communications and Public Affairs discusses the communication failings in response to the Grenfell Tower tragedy, the key findings and recommendations in the 2024 Inquiry report, and the important lessons we can take from such a terrible tragedy.
The session will include organisational and communication issues, ranging from cultural considerations in emergency response to why planning and training are so important. It will also include on the ground insight into what went wrong in the hours and days after the fire.
It is important that Grenfell can never be allowed to happen again, including the inadequate communications response. So this session is about passing on learning to all sectors, with that endeavour in mind. Expect a 20-minute presentation, followed by a 10-minute Q&A with the PRWeek editorial team which will then be opened to the audience.
11:40 - 12:00
Keynote: Social Crisis Evolution: How the toxic narrative has become a threat to brand identity
Today's crisis landscape has fundamentally shifted. While organizations once had hours or days to craft their response to emerging issues, the social ecosystem now demands split-second decisions in an environment where facts, fiction, and perception blend seamlessly. In this session, we will explore the evolving threat and how it has changed the framework for strategic communications across industries. We will also take a real-world look at how influence campaigns, viral misinformation outbreaks, and narrative cascades can transform minor incidents into major brand crises within minutes. Talking Points: The way negative narratives spread and mutate across social platforms Impact on brand perception and business outcomes Strategies for monitoring and managing such situations
12:00 - 12:40
PANEL DISCUSSION: The Wake of Crisis: Immediate Aftermath and Rebuilding Brand Reputation after Crisis.
This session will discuss how you rebuild in the aftermath of a crisis. What issues led to the crisis and how do you change your comms strategies to mitigate the risk of a similar crisis happening again? What issues cannot be addressed retrospectively?
Furthermore, employee morale must also be rebuilt after a crisis; our ways of working must also change. How do you listen to feedback from your extended comms team, directors, marketing, finance, and other departments during and after a crisis, and use this to anticipate a future crisis response?
Key talking points:
- When is the right time to say your brand reputation is back to full strength?
- The importance of making a point of saying the crisis is over rather than immediately moving on?
- How do we deal with the concept of blame?
- Addressing the psychological effect a crisis has on your team and being aware of and sensitive to their needs during and after.
12:40 - 13:40 | NETWORKING LUNCH
13:40 - 14:00
CASE STUDY: Evri - Building a brand reputation
Having started the role off the back of a very difficult Christmas peak two years ago, join us for this session where Evri’s Director of Communications and brand will discuss the challenges they have faced improving positive customer sentiment.
Talking points:
- Recap on the problem and the resolutions
- How Evri defined who their key stakeholders are
- How we restarted the process of building a brand
14:00 - 14:20
Keynote: Countering Disinformation in an Age of Weaponised Culture
Societal shifts are driving a rising tide of dangerous mis- and disinformation. A polarised, politicised landscape is being weaponised by domestic and foreign actors with their own agendas. Movement in one direction or the other on societal issues like DEI, climate change, and stakeholder capitalism is being met with backlash, heightening “us vs. them” dynamics. Algorithm-fuelled echo chambers learn our prejudices and biases and actively feed them, while geopolitical instability and foreign interference amplify tensions and sow distrust.
This session will present cutting-edge strategies for navigating this complex landscape. Learn how to prepare for, counter, and recover from information manipulation, and explore how data insights and AI can fortify your organisation against these contemporary threats.
14:50 - 15:15
In conversation with PRWeek: How do internal and external comms interact during a crisis?
- Has the line between external and internal communications disappeared in crisis response?
- Is internal comms as important as external comms in a crisis?
- How to keep employees aligned with the goal of a crisis response & post-crisis rebuilding
15:15 - 15:55
PANEL DISCUSSION: Navigating Brand Reputation in a Complex Macro Environment
In a volatile world, brands face a range of external environmental factors that they must learn to navigate effectively in order to protect the impact on their reputation.
This panel will discuss the multifaceted influences of consumer behaviour shifts, emerging competition, technological advancements, and unpredictable global events on brand reputation. The session will also offer practical strategies for mitigating these risks and maintaining trust and credibility.
This session will help you stay ahead of the curve by anticipating the next big thing and navigating the ever-changing landscape of comms.
Talking points:
- What are the best practices for crisis communication in the face of sudden, unpredictable events?
- What proactive measures can brands take to anticipate and respond to new competitors?
- How can brands foster trust and loyalty even in challenging times?
15:55 - 16:05
Chair Closing Comments