We are working on putting together an exciting lineup for PRWeek's Crisis Communications 2024.

This must-attend event provides a valuable opportunity to discuss how brands are tackling the new wave of social unrest and activism which continues to grow. 

Be sure to check in for any new updates you might have missed!

Don't need convincing and want to secure your ticket?


This must-attend event provided a valuable opportunity to discuss how brands are tackling the new wave of social unrest and activism which continues to grow. Our agenda was tailored to meet your needs and learn from experts who have weathered crises.

08:30 - 09:15

Crisis Simulation Workshop Session

Prepare to immerse yourself in an unparalleled experience designed to challenge and engage you in ways you've never experienced before. Take part in this workshop exploring how to tackle a real-time crisis in a high-pressure, hands-on environment. With only 45 spots available, join our morning session to receive guidance from crisis communication experts. 

On a first-come, first-served basis, secure your event ticket now to ensure you receive the invitation to join this workshop closer to the event.

08:00 - 09:30

Registration and Refreshments

09:30 - 09:45

Welcome from PRWeek and Chair’s Opening Remarks

09:45 - 10:25

PANEL DISCUSSION | Weathering Social Media Storms: keeping up with cancel culture and platform changes

As cancel culture is becoming a permanent feature of the fast-paced social media landscape, it’s up to comms professionals to tackle its consequences. In this morning panel discussion, we’ll explore: 

  • Knowing where your online audience lives and staying on top of the latest platform changes: how can your crisis comms be tailored and achieve consistency across platforms? 
  • Should brands be on every platform?
  • Choosing the right time to speak: deciding when to engage with social media discourse and when to stay silent 
  • How can brands can stay on top of the narrative, and gain cut-through

Moderated by Lee Cain, Founding Partner, Charlesbye Strategy

10:25 - 10:50

CASE STUDY SPOTLIGHT | Award-Winning Crisis Comms: The TalkTV Apology by Mind

Imagine this - your phone lines are ringing off the hook and supporters across the country are threatening to cancel their donations. 

In this session, we’ll take you along on the journey of Mind, a well-established and respected mental health charity, as it managed a crisis caused by Talk TV’s false claims. 

Get a look behind the curtain at how they took control of the narrative, pivoted the story, and even secured an on-air apology!

Moderated by Lee Cain, Founding Partner, Charlesbye Strategy

10:50 - 11:10

PRESENTATION | Crisis is not unpredictable

If you knew what was going to happen next, what would you do differently? 

In this session we take apart the decisions that go wrong in the biggest scandals of recent times and their implications, and look at key opportunities for comms leaders to influence strategy and tactics to prevent harm to reputation.


11:45 - 12:10

CASE STUDY SPOTLIGHT | Award-winning crisis comms: London Luton Airport Terminal Car Park 2 Fire

In this session, we’ll explore a case study on the LLA's approach and response to tackling the Terminal Car Park 2 Fire, and how their textbook response ensured they were at the forefront of the narrative to maintain brand health in the wake of the crisis.

12:10 - 12:50

PANEL DISCUSSION | Misinformation and Disinformation in the Age of AI — what you need to know

While websites that host fake news and information are as old as the Internet itself, the current accessibility of sophisticated LLMs gives bad actors even more power. However there are many ways to identify where information is coming from, and media literacy and lateral reading initiatives will be key in tackling these issues. 

With election season looming, the threats of misinformation and disinformation are more critical than ever. It is crucial that comms professionals equip themselves with the right tools and knowledge to fight these threats.

Moderated by Siobhan Holt, News Editor, PRWeek UK


14:00 - 14:25

PRESENTATION | Preparing for the Worst: how to curate a crisis comms plan

Can you catch a crisis before it happens? How can you plan for all eventualities and put the right guardrails in place, how much can it protect you and what else can you do to prepare for the worst? 

In this session, we'll dive into how Bupa executed and carried out an end-to-end media strategy that was able to consistently control the narrative on Bupa Dental Care's consolidation of practices at national, regional and local levels, keeping grip of its message and gaining industry support.  

14:25 - 14:50

FIRESIDE CHAT | From Crisis Mode to Record Sell Out Success

In this session, we’ll sit down with Premiership Rugby to hear the journey of how, in the space of one year, they went from a crisis situation to a sold out final in record time - and what their key takeaways have been from the process.

Moderated by Lee Cain, Founding Partner, Charlesbye Strategy


15:20 - 16:00

PANEL DISCUSSION | Crisis Comms of the Future: navigating geo-political tensions, culture wars and building trust

  • Dealing with geopolitical conflicts
  • Is it the responsibility of comms professionals to address these wider societal issues?

Moderated by Danny Rogers, Editor-in-Chief, PRWeek

16:00 - 16:10

Chair’s Closing Comments

PRWeek Editorial Team

16:10 | Close of Conference